Health: It’s everyone’s responsibility (but the consequences will be yours ) ACT NOW

Food for thought: You might feel invincible now; but illness doesn’t mind waiting. Occupational lung diseases typically have a long latency (they take a long time to develop following exposure to the agent that caused them). Therefore, current deaths reflect the effect of past working conditions 12,000 Lung disease deaths each year estimated to be […]
Why do I need an LEV system?

The most important reason: Employee Health The HSE identified that in 2021/22 1.8million workers suffered from work related ill health. Workers contract occupational lung diseases such as occupational asthma and silicosis. Thousands of British workers contract occupational lung diseases such as occupational asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease each year. Many people die or are […]
LEV Systems: Air and a Spare

What are LEV spare parts? Spare parts refer to interchangeable items that are kept on hand to replace parts that become lost, damaged, or worn out over time. There are two types of spare parts; Benefits of holding LEV spares? Risks of not stocking LEV spares? The following are the risks associated with not holding […]
LEV Testing for Welding

In the UK, regulations known as the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) require that control measures are regularly maintained and tested to ensure their effectiveness. These measures include not only hardware such as Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) and Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE), but also safe systems of work and proper supervision. To make […]
Dust Explosions (and how to prevent them)

As the summer months approach and the air getting warmer and dryer it is safe to say the risk of dust explosions will increase. Given the dire consequence this is always something to bear in mind when thinking about safety in your workplace. Although they are considered rare, the consequences are incredibly devasting as outlined […]